Over the course of time, many men and women will begin to lose collagen and elastin in their skin. This typically occurs after the age of thirty and gets progressively worse over the years. When this happens, patients may begin to notice skin laxity on the face. Loose skin can also contribute to the development of fine lines and wrinkles and can have a negative impact on one’s appearance. Dr. Cheryl Burgess and her team of professionals at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery offer many ways for patients to address their skin’s changing appearance. Patients can enjoy skin tightening in the Washington, DC area with Ultherapy®.
Ultherapy® is a revolutionary, FDA-approved method for patients who are interested in tightening skin. While other methods such as Pellevé® and PelleFirm® are better suited for areas such as the face, larger areas where skin laxity is a concern may be treated successfully with Ultherapy ®. Common treatment areas for Ultherapy® include the chest, legs, buttocks, arms and abdomen.
Ultherapy® utilizes ultrasound energy to achieve skin tightening. It helps in breaking down fat and tightening the skin by stimulating the production of collagen. Collagen can help tighten the connective tissues and smooth out the upper layer of the skin while providing a more youthful appearance. All of this is done without the need for surgical intervention.
Many patients enjoy the idea of having Ultherapy ® treatment done rather than surgery. Instead of using knives and going under general anesthetics with many risks, patients with mild to moderate skin laxity can now tighten their skin with today’s technology. Ultherapy ® does not involve any extensive downtime and does not require needles, general anesthetics, cutting or scarring. This treatment uses a special device that administers the energy right into the skin and provides gradual results over the course of several weeks and months.
If you live in or around Washington, DC and you want to find out more about the ways in which Ultherapy® and other radio frequency treatments can help you achieve better body contours and tighter skin, contact Dr. Cheryl Burgess at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery today.