Discuss acne vulgaris diagnosis, treatment, and maintenance with a professional 

Acne is a common problem and issue for patients of all ages. Fortunately, our Board-Certified dermatologist at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery is here to help! Dr. Cheryl Burgess serves Washington, DC, and Annapolis, Maryland, to offer solutions for patients dealing with acne vulgaris and seeking treatment.

What is acne vulgaris?

Our Board-Certified dermatologist describes acne vulgaris as a skin condition that impacts many patients of all ages and genders. It may be more associated with teenagers but can affect patients at any age. Acne can cause inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions and redness on the skin that can become painful and embarrassing. Working with a trained and experienced professional is the best way to get a proper diagnosis and discuss the best treatment option.

How is acne treated?

There are so many approaches to acne, especially hormonal acne treatment for patients experiencing hyperpigmentation from acne. A combination of treatments may even be considered as a more aggressive approach. Treatments vary from topical prescription creams to oral antibiotics, as well as skin services such as microdermabrasion.

What is the recovery time for acne treatments?

This varies greatly depending on the treatment chosen. Dr. Cheryl Burgess can give you an idea of how long it will take to clear acne and improve the skin’s appearance and health.

Are there risks and complications with acne treatment?

Each treatment has specific risks and complications to consider, so talking with a professional about each treatment and what to expect is the most efficient way of choosing a treatment that fits your unique needs and reduces your risk for further complications or issues.

How do I learn more?

Are you struggling with acne? Help is just a phone call away! Connect with Dr. Cheryl Burgess today by calling one of her two office locations to schedule an appointment.

Call (202) 955-5757 to request a visit to her Washington, DC, location, or (410) 224-1195 to request an appointment at her Annapolis, MD location. You can also Request an Appointment Online from our website.

FAQ’s – Acne Treatment


There are many reasons why patients develop acne. For some, it flares up during hormonal changes, while for others, it is caused by excess oils on the skin. When you get a proper diagnosis of your condition, you can then work with our Board-Certified dermatologist to discuss the best treatment options.


Acne can sometimes be a complex condition to treat. What works for one patient may not work for another. Sometimes, several treatments are tried or combined to get the best possible results. In certain instances, women in childbearing age range may need to be on safe medications or devices. With a correct diagnosis of the type of acne and a proper treatment plan developed by a Board-Certified dermatologist like Dr. Cheryl Burgess, many patients can find relief from their condition and enjoy clearer, more beautiful skin!


For some patients, severe acne can become painful, especially those diagnosed with cystic acne. In addition to causing extensive redness and poor skin texture and tone, this type of acne can cause areas that can become extremely sensitive to touch and movements of the face. With the help of Dr. Cheryl Burgess of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery in Washington, DC, and Annapolis, MD, many patients can find relief and effective treatment to combat this condition and improve their skin dramatically!

Dr. Cheryl M. Burgess, MD, FAAD near me

Dr. Cheryl M. Burgess, MD, FAAD

Dr. Cheryl M. Burgess, MD, FAAD, is a Board-certified dermatologist with over 20 years of experience. She earned her medical degree from Howard University and completed her dermatology residency there. As the founder and President of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery in Washington, DC, Dr. Burgess is a respected leader in non-invasive cosmetic procedures. She’s an invited lecturer for top medical organizations, an inducted member of the American Dermatological Association, and a trusted consultant for major pharmaceutical companies, enhancing patient care through rigorous research and clinical trials.

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