When possible, a dermatologist would love to avoid surgery. Non-invasive solutions, when effective, provide a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for the patient. However, there are times when these conservative and non-invasive options are not going to be an effective solution and surgical options will need to be considered. While many surgical procedures performed by […]
There are many different types of skin lumps and bumps that can develop. A common one is that of the cyst. A cyst is a bump that has a sac underneath consisting of oils and proteins that become trapped and increase in volume over the course of time. Cysts can become a nuisance, especially if […]
Warts are common skin growths, which are a result of the human papillomavirus (referred to as HPV). They can form anywhere on the body after an individual has contracted HPV. This virus results in an infection, which can cause benign growths on the hands and feet called warts. It is contagious and may be spread […]
Scars may develop on the skin because of accidental injury or from a surgical procedure. The development of a scar in one person may be completely different than on another, as we are all unique in the way our bodies heal. Scars will vary, depending on the depth and size of the original wound, the […]