The Nd:Yag laser, also referred to as the Neodymium Yag laser, is a special device that can be used one of two ways, to treat veins on the legs or to provide laser hair removal.

Vein Treatment

The Nd:Yag laser can be used to break down troublesome veins in the legs. It is a wonderful alternative to a treatment known as sclerotherapy, in which a sclerosing fluid is administered into a diseased blood vessel of the leg to close it up and redirect the blood flow. This is done with a needle, which can make many patients feel uneasy. Instead, patients can now use Nd:Yag laser treatment at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery to improve the appearance of their legs without having to have injections done. This treatment is just as effective and much less invasive.

Laser Hair Removal

Everyone has unwanted hair on their body, whether it appears on the face, underarms, legs or any other part of the body. With the use of laser therapies through the Nd:Yag laser, patients can enjoy permanent reduction and even removal of unwanted hair. This treatment can be done anywhere on the face and body and provides effective results when patients maintain their appointments. Most patients will benefit from around six laser hair removal sessions to see the results they desire for permanent removal of the hair in the treatment area. Fewer sessions will provide reduction but not full removal.

Both laser hair removal and sclerotherapy vein treatment with lasers are available at the practice of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. A consultation appointment is the best way to determine if the Nd:Yag laser is most appropriate for effective treatment of these concerns.

Dr. Cheryl Burgess of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery is a board certified dermatologist who is excited to offer the Nd:Yag laser and many other technologically advanced solutions for her patients to improve the health and appearance of their skin and body. From cosmetic treatments to medical solutions, our team works together with patients to achieve more beautiful skin and improve the self-esteem of patients struggling with conditions that affect their appearance.

Call (202) 955-5757 or (410) 224-1195 for an appointment, or Request an Appointment Online quickly and easily.