In April of 2015, the FDA approved a new treatment for adults who are unhappy with submental fat (the fat underneath the chin that contributes to the appearance of a “double chin”). Dr. Cheryl Burgess at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery is a quality professional who was one of the first to inject this treatment for patients in her community and was an investigator and participant in the clinical research trials for Kybella.
Kybella is an injection that can treat moderate-to-severe submental fat. It is formulated with deoxycholic acid, which assists in the destruction of fat. When it is injected into tissue, it destroys the fat cells. However, as with many treatments, there are the risks of side effects, which is why it should only be provided by a licensed professional such as Dr. Cheryl Burgess. Side effects include bruising, discomfort, numbness and swelling in the area, while more severe concerns may include nerve injury to the facial muscles. This is why caution should be taken when Kybella is performed to ensure it is done correctly and only within the submental area in which it has been approved.

Patients who believe they may be a candidate for Kybella are welcome to book an appointment with Dr. Cheryl Burgess. She is a board certified dermatologist who can help patients with medical and cosmetic skin and body concerns and has membership to many professional affiliations including the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. She has the experience necessary to ensure that patients are getting the best possible care in her practice. When patients want to learn more about injectable services such as Kybella, they are encouraged to speak with a professional about whether it can help in addressing their aesthetic concerns.
If you are struggling with the appearance of a “double chin” and are seeking a way to address it without plastic surgery or liposuction, contact Dr. Cheryl Burgess and the team at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery today to book a consultation visit. We can provide patients with the appropriate solutions for their cosmetic concerns in a safe, medically equipped environment.
To book your appointment, contact us at (202) 955-5757 or (410) 224-1195, or Request an Appointment Online with Dr. Burgess now.

Kybella® at Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery explained by Dr. Cheryl M. Burgess
This is Dr. Cheryl Burgess and I am talking today about submental fat. Submental fat or double chin is a common term that we use when people from a side/front profile see a bit of sagging under their chin.
There is a treatment for that which was FDA cleared a few years ago. I was one of the clinical investigators in the Kybella® trials.
How does Kybella® work as a procedure?
This product is injected into the areas of fat and it kills the fat cells. If it is more of a hereditary fat pad that you have in the submental area, we can eliminate that.
If it is a fat pad that we see of someone who has gained a lot of weight, we generally advise people to lose weight first. Then we do the injections to dissolve fat under the chin.
What are the side effects related to Kybella®?
I advise people to do it in the fall and wintertime, primarily because you will get a lot of swelling under the area, which some people have described as the bullfrog effect and it may last about a week or two.
In the winter/fall, we can wear turtlenecks and scarves, to kind of hide it.