Dr. Cheryl Burgess is a quality board certified dermatologist, who provides a wide selection of services to improve aesthetics. This may include anti-aging injectables or body contouring solutions that eliminate the need for surgical intervention.
Patients in the Washington, DC area who are dealing with a double chin may ask about the options available. Luckily, in early 2015, the FDA approved a brand new product known as Kybella. Kybella is an injectable that is used to break down submental fat, which develops underneath the chin. This fat is slowly broken down and flushed through the body and can improve the appearance of a double chin. This occurs due to an ingredient known as deoxycholic acid that destroys fat cells. It is currently only approved for use in submental fullness.
Kybella is a great option for patients who have struggled with excess fat underneath their chin that makes them feel self-conscious in photos and about their overall appearance. Dr. Cheryl Burgess and our team of professionals can provide the injections right in the office quickly and easily in the treatment chair. Patients will then be supplied with after-care instructions and they can return for injections later for further results. While one injection will provide noticeable results, the optimum results are reached with several injections spaced over many weeks.
Kybella injections are a wonderful alternative to plastic surgery. We encourage patients to consider treatments such as this instead of undergoing surgery, especially if the double chin appearance is relatively mild. Improvements can be made using injections when patients are appropriate candidates.
If you are interested in learning more about effective treatment for the double chin, contact the team of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery and book an appointment with our board certified dermatologist, Dr. Cheryl Burgess, today! We gladly accept new and existing patients into our practice and encourage men and women to learn about the variety of medical and cosmetic solutions available in our practice.