Pellevé is a radio frequency device that can heat up the skin to stimulate collagen production and remodeling. When collagen is produced, it provides a more youthful appearance. It also helps in tightening the skin, which reduces the overall look of the fine lines and wrinkles present.
While Pellevé is often used on the face, it can also be used on other parts of the body as well. They can be utilized for body contouring and address excess skin in a non-invasive manner. Instead of undergoing surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck or face lift, patients can utilize this heat energy to provide gradual results over the course of several months. Many patients love that they can have the procedure done and go about their normal activities immediately after a treatment. They also enjoy the gradual results so others don’t think they’ve had “work done.”
Dr. Cheryl Burgess often suggests these solutions to those who are considered appropriate candidates. This can be determined with a consultation appointment at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. Our facility has the experience necessary to provide a large range of products and services to our new and existing patients and help in improving self-confidence and self-esteem. Patients are welcome to contact us to learn more about the benefits of radio frequency energy treatments such as Pellevé for a non-invasive solution to the signs of aging.