Acne lesions can cause acne scars. These scars are of multiple types because every person has a unique and individual facial topography. Hence, it becomes crucial that acne scar treatments be customized and personalized to serve the unique needs of each patient. Dr. Cheryl Burgess (Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery) is an experienced dermatologist providing state of the art scar revision services in Washington D.C. to suitable candidates.
There is no single approach to treating acne scars. However, chemical peels are proven effective in treating acne scars in many patients. With the help of a deep phenol chemical peel or a TCA peel, your skin can be resurfaced to reduce or eliminate many scars. In TCA acne treatments, you might need more than one peel session to completely remove the scars.
Chemical peels prove to be useful, effective and provide satisfactory results even when topical acne medications do not work. Chemicals peels to treat acne scars also leave your skin looking clearer with a healthy complexion.
These peels work by exfoliating the skin. Once the treated skin comes off, you will notice fresher, healthier and glowing skin.
Acne skin peels by way of such exfoliation manage to reduce the appearance of scars and acne blemishes. They also work to improve skin pigmentation and make it smoother.
The chemical solutions that are used in acne treatments fall in three general categories: glycolic acid or alpha and beta hydroxy acid peels, trichloroacetic acid peels and phenol peels. All of these peels have their own advantages and disadvantages, with phenol peels being the strongest and AHA peels being the mildest. TCA peels are medium strength peels.
People with superficial acne scars make the best candidates to receive acne treatments. Individuals who have severe acne do not benefit much from these chemical peels but may require needling and subcision techniques. Also, women who are either lactating or are pregnant are advised against receiving chemical peels for acne treatments.
Microdermabrasion treatments work by reducing or eliminating light acne scars. These treatments are non-invasive and non-chemical in nature. The procedure includes spraying of a microcrystals that gently remove the outermost skin layer consisting of dead cells to reveal healthier, younger and fresher looking skin. Microdermabrasion also helps in improving your skin’s appearance by promoting the production of new skin cells with the help of increased elastin and collagen levels.
Microdermabrasion is not useful in treating deep acne scars like pock marks or ice pick scars. It is only beneficial in eliminating or greatly reducing superficial scars. Usually laser, dermabrasion or chemical peels prove to be effective in treating deep scars.
Patients with active acne can be benefited by a treatment of microdermabrasion, as it exfoliates the skin and clears oil and debris from clogged pores. However, it is important that you consult a professional for this treatment, as it includes microcrystals. The polishing action of these crystals removes the upper skin cells that can cause further aggravation to acne.
The prominence of shallow scars from skin wounds and acne can be painlessly removed by microdermabrasion. Fresh, smooth, healthy and glowing skin is revealed after this treatment as the microcrystals work to remove surface skin that is dead, dull and damaged.
To achieve best results from Microdermabrasion, repeat treatments might be necessary.
Acne scars, especially rolling scars and less defined boxcar scars can be treated and potentially removed with the help of dermal fillers. This is a safe and well received treatment that helps in filling depressions associated with scars.
This treatment is well tolerated and excellent for treating acne-related skin volume loss. The dose of dermal filler depends upon the required results that are almost immediate, with continued improvement seen over the months.
Bellafill is an FDA-approved dermal filler treatment gel comprising of 80 percent collagen. It is designed for correcting severe to moderately indented acne scars by lifting them up and replenishing lost volume. Results are almost immediate with noticeable improvement.