As you age, your body changes the way it stores fat in certain areas, making it more difficult for your body to metabolize. Vanquish is designed to help your body process stubborn fat by heating it with thermal energy, causing the fat cells to rupture and allowing your body to process them. Over the course of 4 weeks, the treatment area will slim down for as much as two inches of fat loss, enhancing your body’s natural contours.
Dr. Burgess may suggest PelleFirm for patients who want smoother skin or improve the look of cellulite and help with fat reduction. PelleFirm breaks down fat, tightens skin and helps your body process excess fluids using heat and a gentle massage. It can also improve sagging skin, common after weight loss or pregnancy. Connective tissues cause cellulite under the skin that unevenly pushes fat stores up and PelleFirm can break these connective tissues down and allow your body to form new ones for firmer, smoother skin.
Vanquish and PelleFirm appointments typically take less than an hour and most patients find them relaxing. Depending on the treatment area, you may either stand or lay down while the handpiece is applied to the treatment area. You are free to listen to music or your favorite podcast or close your eyes and rest. Unlike liposuction or tummy tucks, there is no downtime after your treatment.
Fat loss is gradual and your final results will take about six weeks, so your friends and family members will assume your diet is paying off. The fat loss is permanent as long as you maintain your weight and maintenance appointments every year or two can help you keep your new curves for even longer. Contact our office in Washington, DC, today to schedule your consultation. Call us at (202) 955-5757.