Dr. Cheryl Burgess is a board certified dermatologist at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, with offices in Annapolis, MD and Washington, DC. Her practice has a wide selection of body contouring options for patients who want to improve the way they look without the stress of surgery, exercise and dieting which may never reduce specific areas of the body. Our team understands that with today’s technology, improvements that were one thought impossible are becoming attainable for everyone in the community. This includes services such as PelleFirm.
Pellefirm is a treatment to contour the body that is completed using a special device that emits radio frequency energy deep within the skin to stimulate the production of collagen and tighten the skin. It can be used to improve texture and tone while also reducing the appearance of cellulite. Many patients have it performed on areas such as the thighs and buttocks, but the procedure can be done almost anywhere on the body including the abdominal area, flanks and arms. There is a smaller device used in our practice that is designed exclusively for the facial area known as Pellevé that is used in firming the skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Pellefirm is a procedure that involves no downtime or side effects. Most patients enjoy a quick treatment in our practice with administration by Dr. Cheryl Burgess herself. These treatments are done in the treatment chair while patients are comfortable and it allows patients to return to their busy schedule immediately. This FDA-approved procedure, when done by a qualified professional, is completely safe and effective in enhancing the body’s natural curves and allowing patients to improve their self-confidence.
If you live in or around the areas of Annapolis, MD or Washington, DC, contact board certified dermatologist Dr. Cheryl Burgess today to book a consultation appointment and initial examination to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for treatments such as Pellefirm.