Unwanted hair is a common compliant for Annapolis area men and women. Shaving, waxing, plucking and using depilatory creams can be time consuming and expensive. Instead, the team at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery offers a fast, affordable and permanent solution for patients – laser hair removal.
Lasers are used in many different aspects of medicine and can provide amazing results when it comes to eliminating unwanted hair on the body. Areas that can be treated with laser hair removal include:
Dr. Cheryl Burgess and her team of professionals provide this treatment for lasting results and to eliminate the need for alternative home solutions. The laser device targets the dark hair follicles and delays them from producing hair in the future. This is especially helpful for areas that should otherwise be hair-free such as the face. Patients can use this treatment nearly anywhere on the body for amazing results.
The devices used at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery for laser hair removal are approved by the FDA for effectiveness and safety. Patients relax during their treatment as ice or numbing topical creams are applied to the skin for optimum comfort. Patients may experience a heating sensation and a popping sound, but this is just the pulsed laser light targeting the treatment area.
Laser hair removal requires several treatment sessions. With just one or two sessions, they enjoy noticeable reduction of the hair in the area, but not full removal. Full removal of hair requires patients to have a series of treatments so all hair follicles can be treated. This is due to the growth of hair in cycles. Only the hair in the active growth phase can be targeted by the laser.
Patients located in the areas of Washington, DC and Annapolis, MD are encouraged to contact the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery to learn more about the advantages of undergoing laser hair removal for permanent reduction and elimination of unwanted hair.