IPL treatment, also known as intense pulse light treatment, is the type of treatment used to perform such procedures as photorejuvenation (used to treat different skin conditions and remove signs of photoaging), hair removal and acne treatment. IPL treatment releases wavelengths that penetrate deep down to the second skin layer.
If you want to know more about this treatment, the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery in Washington DC, where you can see an experienced dermatologist for IPL treatment, prepared a list of benefits of this treatment:
Benefits of IPL Treatment in Skin type I-III:
The most suitable candidates for this treatment are people with untanned and white skin. People with undamaged, blotchy and discolored skin will also benefit from it. However, IPL treatment is not recommended to people with naturally dark skin because of the high risk of pigmentation.
IPL treatment uses light energy to target a particular color in the skin. Once the skin gets warm, the body starts getting rid of whatever you are being treated for. It is possible to treat several skin conditions at the same time.
Suppose you are currently looking for a trustworthy clinic to try IPL treatment. In that case, Dr. Cheryl Burgess of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery in Washington DC will be glad to assist you. We specialize in IPL treatment and have already helped hundreds of patients. We also offer other services in medical and cosmetic dermatology. Feel free to reach us at (202) 955-5757 to get more information or schedule an appointment.