Vanquish® is an FDA-approved technology using heat panels to target specific areas where fat tissues have accumulated. Radiofrequency energy heats the fat to a particular temperature, causing the tissues to safely rupture, spilling lipids that are reabsorbed back into the body over several weeks. The effects can be permanent if the patient keeps up a predetermined health regimen.
PelleFirm® is an advanced new technology used for patients looking to smooth their skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. While many people believe excess fat is the cause behind cellulite, the truth is cellulite is the result of natural fat pushing its way through deep layers due to tight connective tissues deeper in your body. We use radiofrequency energy to firm up targeted areas and break down the connective tissues that produce cellulite for this treatment.
Dr. Cheryl Burgess at the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery offers various treatment options to aid with body contouring. In addition to Vanquish® and PelleFirm®, she specializes in Kybella®, a revolutionary injectable used to eradicate double chins.
Dr. Burgess will work closely with you, discussing your goals, needs and concerns, before developing a treatment plan. She’ll be your partner in care, tailoring treatments to suit your specific needs.
Everyone’s goals are different and no treatment is exactly right for every patient. Dr. Burgess will review your goals with you and help you determine the best course of treatment. For some, surgeries like liposuction may be the most appealing option. Other patients prefer less invasive surgery without any healing-related downtime. Either option is considered safe and effective; it just depends on your goals and what feels right for you.
Make an appointment with Dr. Burgess today to discuss the options available and find out the best way to unlock your ideal shape. For a consultation, call (202) 955-5757.